Ardenwald-Johnson Creek Street Painting Planning Potluck

By Angel Falconer
Transportation Chair

Dear friends:

Thank you all so much for your support on the street painting project at SE 30th and Sherrett (please pencil in August 30th for the painting/block party itself if you’d like to participate). This will be so much fun! I’ve created a simple online poll so we can come up with a date to get together to collaborate further on the design. I understand this is a very fast timeline so I really appreciate everyone’s enthusiasm. Follow this link to participate in the poll: If you can make it to the planning potluck, please indicate whether you can bring a small dish to share when you add your name.

Please don’t hesitate to email or call. And if you know anyone else in the AJC neighborhood who might be interested in the planning process, please share this with them.. Thank you!

Angel Falconer

Photo courtesy of Angel Falconer.