Tideman Johnson Park work party season wrapping up earlier with a barbecue in May

The Friends of Tideman Johnson Park is wrapping up the work party season and holding the volunteer appreciation barbecue earlier than usual.

The final Tideman Johnson work party for the season and the volunteer appreciation barbecue is on Saturday, May 5, 2012.

Volunteers will be spreading mulch over the plants recently planted along the creek.

In June, Friends of Tideman Johnson Park, in partnership with the Johnson Creek Watershed Council and Xerces Society, will be wading in Johnson Creek to conduct fresh water mussel survey.

No landscape maintenance is planned for June.

The work party is Saturday, May 5 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Volunteers will meet at the Springwater Trail at the base of the S.E. 37th Ave. trailhead.

The barbecue featuring Otto’s Sausages will begin around noon.

The work party is open to all ages and work tools will be provided.

Volunteers planning on attending the barbecue, and if have any dietary restrictions, need to contact Marianne Colgrove at 503-239-5831 or email at mcolgrove@gmail.com.